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Here are my thoughts....
a blog for when life is tough.

Welcome!  And thanks for visiting my site.  My name is Amy Butler Angell and I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) based in northern Colorado.  I never thought I was the blogging type, but I recently had a change of heart, so here goes nothing!

Although I’ve been actively offering therapy on and off since 2015, my private practice is relatively new- about six months old, actually- and I’m still working to establish myself in the community.  I thought it would be helpful to formulate a list of my beliefs and values where therapy is concerned, so that you can get a bit of my therapeutic flavor.  In no particular order, I bring you the top 12 fundamental beliefs and values that inform the way I engage in therapy:


  • I believe that people- ALL humans- are worthy of dignity and respect.  Period.  And everything I do as part of my practice (and my life) is based on this value.


  • I believe that healing happens within the context of a safe, trusting, respectful connection with another human. 


  • I believe that therapy can be exactly what you want it to be- and it’s my goal to meet you where you are.


  • I believe that different people heal from different modalities, and it’s my task to find a technique or strategy that will most greatly benefit you and your process. 


  • I believe that sometimes the pain gets worse before it gets better.  When we begin to dig into painful experiences or beliefs, sometimes the wounds seem to deepen before they begin to scab over.  That’s totally okay, and even to be expected.


  • I believe that therapy is one of the greatest investments one can make toward their overall health, and it’s also a commitment where the more you commit and put in the work, the greater the reward.


  • I believe that oftentimes, walking through the door to start therapy are the scariest steps you’ll take.  I aim to make the transition to becoming an active subscriber of therapy as seamless and pleasant as possible. 


  • I believe that a therapist and a client are a team.  We work together toward a mutual goal, we brainstorm, and we problem solve.  We find individually-crafted strategies that will work best for the individual client, and the client takes an active role in this process.


  • I believe that you are the expert on yourself.  I, as the therapist, have known you for five minutes.  But you have been living in your experience your whole life!  I strive to empower my clients to follow and trust their intuition and to push back when I’m getting something wrong.  (After all, I’m human too!)


  • I believe that it’s my job to do my research.  If you bring a question or scenario to me that I’m not sure of, then I do my research, talk to colleagues, and ask questions until I am better positioned to support my client.


  • I believe that telehealth therapy can absolutely be as helpful, productive, and healing as face-to-face treatment.  Except you can wear your slippers and participate in therapy wrapped in a blanket!  I’ve seen telehealth be quite helpful for clients, with many benefits.  Of course, face-to-face therapy is transformational, as well- it really just depends on the client’s circumstances!


I hope this gives you a little window into the ways I strive to support clients.  I truly love talk therapy- I’ve seen it be so life-changing for myself and for countless other folks- and I wish to share that transformation with as many people as I can!  Check back for future blog posts- I plan to update regularly.  Stay tuned!

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